Three Ways To Move On From Your Ex In 2024

Three Ways To Move On From Your Ex In 2024

“Goodbye is the saddest I ever heard” is perhaps, one of Celine Dion’s most popular lyrics.

As the year draws to a close, the flood of memories shared with your ex may come rushing in. This cuts deep if you invested your time, energy and love. However, you do not want to carry all the sad tales into the new year.

In the year 2024, say no to all that baggage by doing these:

Set your peace as the top priority

It is okay to be selfish with your peace. To get to this point, you must leave mentally and emotionally. Why wish that someone who is not invested in the relationship will have a change of mind?

Set yourself free and place yourself first. And it is okay to put away everything that reminds you of them including their number.

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Sometimes, saying bye leaves you asking questions. While some people may claim seeking closure is overrated, it has its benefits. Seeking closure can help you learn the truth about yourself and cause you to reconsider some of your ways.

Also, if seeking closure is the only thing that will make you able to forge ahead in 2024, go ahead!

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Improve yourself

You have probably heard this cliché but there is a reason it is one of the first recommendations after a breakup. Accept that the relationship is dead and try to move on. We agree that this is easy to say but you need to have some me-time indulgences.

Take time off and add to your knowledge by travelling, reading books, having new experiences.

Goodbyes might as well be the best words you will hear in 2024.


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