Friday, July 19, 2024


Commercial banks vs digital banks: Pros and cons

Gone are the days when you could only do business with a bank by visiting one of its brick-and-mortar branches. Today digital banks have become popular helping their customers to carry out financial activities online anywhere in the world....

10 Greatest money saving tips

Sometimes the greatest things come in very simple packages, and are mostly overlooked, and so is savings. Whether you’re saving for a big project, or purchasing that choicest phone, you must learn those insignificant, yet most rewarding saving tips....

How to manage cash flow in your small business

Small businesses across the world struggle to meet up with maintaining their liquidity rates, this fact is more so when the small business seeks expansion. With thousands of competitors out there, a business must bring its A-game to secure...

What happens when a bank folds up?

A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from customers and uses the collected deposits to offer loans and investments to other institutions or high-net-worth individuals. Banks play a crucial role in the economy, providing credit and financing to businesses,...

Top 10 banks to open a domiciliary account in Nigeria (2023)

A domiciliary account is a type of bank account that allows one to save and transact in foreign currencies such as US Dollars, British Pounds Sterling, Euros, and other major currencies. This type of account is commonly used by...

Dividend: Meaning, types, how it works and more

Shareholders of the company invest in the company in exchange for a share of the company. Shareholders holding a part of the company benefit from certain gains from the company, one of which is the dividends of the company...

6 Ways to improve financial literacy

It is essential to understand the fundamentals as well as the resources assisting finance-savvy groups in making financial decisions based on the most accurate information, regardless of whether you are a fan of complex investment manoeuvres and tax-shielding strategies...

World Bank: Purpose, power, functions and history

Nations of the world have rallied towards having a standard financial system that appeals to its economic inputs and offers an overall developed financial sector. With the world divided among political lines, with the East adopting communism and the...

7 Criteria for choosing the right digital bank

The evolution of digitalization has brought about a new era in the world and the banking system isn’t left out in the new era. Digital banks are evolving every day thereby revolutionizing the way we do everyday banking.   Compared to...

How to beat inflation

The Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) published an inflation report sometime in May 2022 stating that the inflation rate in Nigeria has moved to 17.71%, which is the highest in 5 years.  The increase in the inflation rate has a...
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Job vs business: Which is better for you?

We are in an era where almost everyone sees having a business as a form of success. But is...
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