Business Consulting Services

Our Business Consulting Services portfolio is designed to work carefully with you to understand your business goals and vision, research your markets and competitors, and develop your business road-map and strategy.

Would You Answer Yes To Any Of The Following Questions?

  • Is this your first business?
  • Have you already written your own business plan?
  • Are you on the verge of closing down your business?
  • Is technology an asset or a liability at your firm?
  • Are you just looking for an objective, informed, outside opinion?
  • Have you worked with another consultant who did not help you create the best business plan possible?
  • Are you looking for new and innovative ways to grow your business?
  • Do you have a tight budget for business plan writing, but you know it’s a very important phase of the business process?
  • Have bankers or investors given you puzzled looks and declined to give you capital after reading your business plan?
  • Have you applied for any grant programmes and failed to advanced?
  • Do you wish to apply for grants, loans, etc.?

If Any Of These Questions Or Situations Applies To You, Then AidTheStudent Business Consulting Services Is The Right Solution For You.

We understand the challenges small business owners have to deal with every day. Budgets are tight, resources are limited, and a beautiful planning document isn’t worth much if the plan isn’t implemented.

Building a successful, sustainable business is not just about planning. It’s also about execution. Common obstacles to growth are people, system, technology, and processes.

We have experience with all four — getting the right people in place, in a robust system while using the right technology to execute efficient and effective processes.

All Of Our Services Can Be Customized To Meet The Specific Needs Of Any Small To Mid-Sized Business:

Business Plan Services

Our Business Plan Services is appropriate for a wide range of businesses. Our focus is on consulting, not just writing. If you just want someone to write down your thoughts without questioning assumptions or proposing alternatives, then you are looking for a business plan writer, not a business plan consultant.

Our Business Planning Services helps you to:

  • Clarify your goals and vision
  • Develop your entire business plan from “elevator pitch” to “exit strategy.”
  • Refine your business model
  • Identify your most profitable customers
  • Fine-tune your marketing plan
  • Develop and improve your sales projections

Strategy Consulting Service

Our Strategy Consulting Service focuses on helping clients establish a clear vision, long-term goals, and a roadmap. We also help clients communicate and execute their plan. Every business needs a plan, which is a strategy that defines your vision, your goals and how you are going to reach them. Whether you are a new business owner or already have a small business, a simple business strategy can take your business to the next level.

Our Business Strategy helps you to:

  • Clarify your Vision
  • Explore right business model for your business
  • Craft long-term and short-term goals
  • Set your revenue and expense model
  • Scope out the competition
  • Brainstorm on new products and services

Feasibility Study Service

Our Feasibility Study Service focuses on market feasibility, in other words: A business feasibility study is just what it sounds like: a systematic study to understand whether or not a specific project, venture, or approach is feasible. The ultimate outcome of any feasibility report is to make an inform decision about the way forward of any business venture.

Our Feasibility Study Service helps you with:

  • Determining the market viability
  • Technical viability
  • Analyze market factors such as demographics, demand, market capacity, competition, regulation, cultural issues

Marketing Plan Service

Our Marketing Plan Service includes both strategic and tactical components. Our marketing planning process is structured to provide real value, yet flexible enough to suit almost any small or mid-market business. Having an integrated and cohesive marketing plan allows each marketing technique to support the others, thereby creating a synergy of branding and growth for your business.

Our Marketing Plan Services helps you with:

  • Determining if there is a paying market for your products and services
  • Crafting long-term and short-term marketing goals
  • Defining marketing campaigns
  • Creating marketing strategies
  • Selecting powerful marketing techniques that showcase your products and services
  • Choosing a brand and image that reflects the real YOU
  • Designing marketing materials
  • Designing Internet marketing strategies
  • Tracking marketing results to determine the strongest techniques

Marketing plans are not complicated and some of it can be done in three-to-four hours. Don’t let marketing fall by the wayside; plan & implement today and reap the benefits for years to come.

Market Research Service

Our Market Research Service is individually tailored to each specific client situation and its environment. Most of our market research projects involve interviews, focus group discussion, market assessment or survey questionnaires. We do not prepare or sell standard industry reports.

Our Market Research Services can help you with:

  • Conduct a comprehensive market opportunity assessment – to Assess your markets (market size and share of the market, channels, growth trends, threats, and opportunities).
  • Identify customer needs and determine which market segments hold the most, and least, attractive profit potential.
  • Find out what customers and prospects think about your new customer service procedures, your sign-up process, your newest product, your new tag-line, your invoicing process, etc.
  • Identify regulatory, political, and demographic trends that could create problems and opportunities for your business.
  • Develop a detailed understanding of competitors – including their strengths and weaknesses. What is their differentiating factor and pricing strategy?
  • Identify opportunities to use your strengths and exploit competitor weaknesses.

Internet Marketing Service

Our Internet Marketing Service: Many small business owners fail with their online marketing efforts because they fail to create a cohesive, integrated plan or they fail to properly implement the plans they have. Having an integrated and cohesive internet marketing plan allows each marketing technique to support the others, thereby creating a synergy of branding and growth for your business.

Our Internet Marketing Services can help you with:

  • Plan for a new website or a face-lift for an existing site
  • Determine why your website is not bringing in business
  • Discuss the use of SEO and paid online advertising, and give a step-by-step set-up process
  • Determine where social media fits into your internet marketing mix
  • Learn the pros and cons of using the 22 different internet marketing techniques and choosing the right ones for you

For Your, Business Consultation Contact Me, Kindly Indicate Your Interest

We Also Offer The Following Services

For your professional business plan, professional web development services, business writing services or you need a small business consultant to carry out a market research, feasibility studies, business consulting, or any other business needs.

kindly fill the form below and let’s discuss your business needs. or send an email with a request to or call +234 (0) 8086697392. 


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