Thursday, January 30, 2025

9 Signs To Know That You Have Vitamin C Deficiency

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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Vitamin C is an essential vitamin in the body. Without an iota of doubt, the body needs the vitamin. It helps to keep the bones and teeth strong, heal wounds and absorb iron in the body.

This vitamin is present in food. Also, it is sold as a dietary supplement and used medically to prevent and cure scurvy.

Furthermore, it also helps to create vital proteins in the body. These proteins are responsible for making and nourishing the skin, blood vessels, tendons, and ligaments.

In the nutshell, vitamin C is indispensable in our body. Even enzymes in the body need vitamin C to produce everyday molecules that the body need.

Without vitamin c, it will be very difficult (If not impossible) for the body to produce these molecules. So, in this article, you will learn about some signs to know that you have vitamin C deficiency.

9 Signs To Know That You Have Vitamin C Deficiency

#1. When There Is More Wrinkles Than Normal On Your Face

One of the signs to know that you have vitamin c deficiency is when you start having wrinkles more than normal on your face.

Ordinarily, vitamin C helps to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation and oxygen exposure. Also, vitamin C supports collagen synthesis.

Collagen actually helps for proper structure of the skin. So, when you have enough vitamin c in your body, the possibility of your skill getting wrinkled will reduce.

However, when the amount of vitamin c in the body on low, the skin tend to encounter different problems. Some of these problems are; wrinkle, thickening skin, wound not healing on time etc.

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#2. Fragile Hair That Breaks Easily

People suffering from vitamin c deficiency have fragile and easily broken hair. According to experts, the hair grows in a particular corkscrew pattern.

Once you noticed that your once thick and lush hair is becoming weak and fragile. It is a red alert for vitamin c deficiency. Visit and expert immediately for medical consultation and advice.

#3. Bleeding Gum

When your gum is bleeding, it could be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Like I said earlier, vitamin C supports collagen synthesis. And collagen holds together and gives support to the skin, bones, gums and teeth. 

Therefore, when your body lacks vitamin C, your gums, bones, skin and teeth will suffer for it.

In fact, your gun can become inflamed when there is no vitamin c in your body. This will definitely bring about a bleeding gum. Actually, bleeding gums are early signs of vitamin c deficiency in the body. 

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#4. When You Have Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is also among the signs to know that you have vitamin C deficiency. The teeth are made up of dentine.

Dentine is the tissue that forms most of the teeth that hide below the enamel. And the tissue relies on vitamin C to stay healthy and perform better.

To put it differently, when your body lacks vitamin C, the dentine will not be healthy. Thus, your teeth will start decaying.

According to experts, people who are malnourished and don’t eat fresh fruits and vegetables always, are at risk of vitamin c deficiency.

#5. When You Get Bruises Easily

Even though bruises are normal, you seldom see them in people with enough vitamin c in their body.

When you easily get bruises, it is certainly a sign of vitamin c deficiency. So, when you start noticing this often, start taking vitamin c each day. This will help to increase the vitamin c level in your body.

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#6. Your Wounds Take Time To Heal

Ordinarily, minor wounds don’t take time to heal up. In fact, it shouldn’t be more than 3 to 7 days before it start healing up.

however, when it is taking weeks to heal. It is definitely one of the signs to know that you have vitamin c deficiency.

#7. When You Experience Joint Pain Often

Joint pain is one of the most common signs that you have vitamin c deficiency. When you lack vitamin c in the body, you will definitely have joint inflammation.

Normally, vitamin c functions as an antioxidant that helps to fight inflammation. And when it is deficient in the body, it will not be able to fight inflammation very well, thus leading to joint pain.

According to experts, eating fresh fruits and vegetable is the easiest way to prevent vitamin C deficiency. Because it contains nutrients and phytochemicals that support good health.

Also Read: 6 Effects Of Chewing Gum

#8. Fatigue

When you are always feeling tired more than necessary, it is a red alert of vitamin c deficiency. To put it differently, when you sleep more than necessary, you need to take more vitamin c.

#9. Brittle Nails

A common sign of vitamin c deficiency is when your nails get broken easily. Generally, vitamin c is essential for the absorption of iron within the body.

Normally, if you notice any of these signs, you may not need to see the doctor. All you need to do is to add more fresh fruit and vegetable to your meal. This will go a long way to increase the level of vitamin c in the body.

These are the signs to know that you have vitamin c deficiency. Would you like to know the causes of vitamin c deficiency? Keep reading.

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Causes of Vitamin c Deficiency

Ordinarily, three out of every four elderly people around the world especially developing countries suffer from vitamin c deficiency. This is due to poor dietary and excessive consumption of tobacco.

One of the reasons people have vitamin c deficiency is when they take vitamin c below the recommended daily dosage. So, you can actually take vitamin c as a supplement or opt-in for fresh fruit and vegetable always.

Also, smoking and cooking with fuels and dungs can reduce the vitamin c levels in the body. If this is not detected on time, it will definitely cause oxidative stress.

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